High-School-Jahr in den USA



Wir finden für (fast) alles eine Lösung.

Für SchülerInnen aus Baden-Württemberg und der Schweiz:

Sonni Böckenförde
Tel. +49 (0) 761 405595
Email: sboeckenfoerde@shqipeee.net

Für alle anderen SchülerInnen:

Katrin Popken
Tel: +49 (0) 30 40049610 und +49 (0) 172 7675006
Email: kpopken@shqipeee.net

“Our biggest reward is that we built such an amazing friendship and feel like we gained another daughter. Our children learned about different cultures and how to be better communicators.…

Julie and Kelly from Utah, USA

“My exchange has been great. I love my family so much.”

Mariana from Brazil

“This was our first experience. Everything went very smoothly for us. My husband, who was pretty nervous about the whole idea [of hosting], loved the experience. He texted me the…

Laurie and Glenn from Montana, USA

“The greatest reward of my exchange was the relationship with my host families who would like to keep in touch and be a life time family.”

Juri from Japan
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